Libregamewiki:Suggested games

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This page proposes games that:

To create an article:

  • Investigate if the game meets the criteria in Libregamewiki's Article policy
    • If it does, search for the game's title on this wiki and click on the red link to create an article about the game
    • If it does not, add the game's title to Libregamewiki's Rejected games list
  • When an article has been created, or the game has been listed on the Rejected games list, remove the game's entry from the lists below.

Games by last release[edit]


  • Thrive (*) - Spore-like game, GPL + CC-BY-SA (mentioned on this page). That confusing page first says media is cc-by-sa, then non-commercial??
    • Code is GPL3+; Assets are mostly CC BY-SA 3.0, except some fonts with SIL OFL. Likely problematic are social media icons because »Assets in the folder "assets/textures/gui/social_media/" and subfolders are licenses by their individual corporations.« Game is also on Itch Kribbel (talk) 17:46, 15 December 2022 (CET)


  • Messages From the Universe Graveyard (*) - abandoned MMO with secrets to explore (also on
    • A few of the images and one audio file are non-free-licensed or missing licenses. The version on GitHub does not contain any audio or images, but the version on does. The version on GitHub is probably acceptable, but the version on is probably not. It may be good to make a version that has only the free media, making it obvious that it is incomplete. I plan to do this, but does anyone have a different idea? Jacob K (talk) 09:04, 28 January 2025 (CET)
  • Inside the Box (*) - puzzle game with user-authored levels
    • See also Wuzzy's comment about this game. Is user-uploaded media considered part of the game? Does it need to be libre as well? This concern may also apply to chat messages in Messages From the Universe Graveyard.




  • Darworms (*) - territory capture game written in JavaScript. home
    • The official version includes Google Analytics which is nonfree, but it's a separate JavaScript file so it's easy to run the game without that; regardless, I think an article for the game should point to a completely free version. The reason I put the game in the "Suggested" rather than "Rejected" section is because of how trivial the changes needed are.
  • Moon Rider (*) - VR music game where you punch stars as they move along a track
  • EmptyEpsilon (*) - open-source "clone" of Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, with new features and gameplay not found in the orignial. (GPL-2.0)
    • Just a quick look: It uses sounds with CC-BY-NC. And looking at the music Dream Raid Full Version (Mock Up).ogg is listed but no license named; Imminent Threat.ogg not even listed. No mentioning about graphic sources!? Kribbel (talk) 11:14, 31 January 2023 (CET)
    • A 2017 discussion about licenses on
  • Slaughter (*) - first person shooter for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Only 1 of the 5 source files has a license header, so someone should probably ask for clarification on whether that is supposed to apply to all of the software/graphics.
      • Per Libregamewiki:Article_policy, "If there is non-free content, it must not undermine commercial viability, make modification difficult, and anything that would impact the 'freeness' of libre games." This suggests the social media icons are okay, though the specific licenses are not very clear. There is another nonfree license, "steam_license_readme.txt", but this probably only applies on Steam. There should probably be a note on the game page that the Steam version is proprietary. Jacob K (talk) 20:47, 21 January 2025 (CET)
  • YSFlight (*) - released as open source. wikipedia article


  • Trillek (*) - A space sandbox game; I don't see a license for the "Textual assets" so maybe someone should ask, or just dig a bit deeper because I didn't look that hard.
  • Nuclear Blaze (*) - Source is MIT-licensed but need to check the art licence. Cute little firefighter game.
  • (*) - A browser-based multiplayer naval combat game. Source, assets, and everything else under AGPL v3.0


  • nbsdgames (*) - 17 Super-modern command line games.
  • textflight (*) - Text-only multiplayer game. archived homepageForked repo on GitHub announcement FreeGameDev Forums It seems developer Katherine Peeters has stopped the project.
  • Libre TrainSim (*) - "Train Simulator written in Godot Engine - Free for everyone. Licensed under GPL 3.0"
  • dMagnetic (*) - dMagnetic is a Magnetic Scrolls Interpreter. It allows the play to enjoy classic text adventure games, such as "The Pawn", "The Guild of Thieves", "Jinxter", "Corruption", "Myth", "Fish!" or "Wonderland" It uses ANSI art to render the beautiful images.
  • Among Sus (*) - Among Us clone as a text adventure.
  • Worldforge (*) - A 3D MMO engine which includes client, server, etc. and has distinct online worlds accessible from a single client interface.
  • UltraStar Deluxe (*) Karaoke game similar to Singstar. There is a repository of Creative Commons songs which does contain some NC-licensed songs but that shouldn't matter since you can use your own songs. GPLv2.
  • Meeting Time (*)
    • This was made for Adventuron Treasure Hunt Jam by »using Adventuron Classroom«. Which is »Licensed for personal non-commercial use only.« Isn't putting the game under GPL a violation of the license/EULA? Kribbel (talk) 13:43, 17 December 2022 (CET)
Let's rather take this to the talk page. FacelessLinuxUser (talk) 18:02, 17 December 2022 (CET)




  • Blue Nebula (*) - A fork of Red Eclipse to stay with the engine from Version 1. I checked the license files for code and media and it's Free unless I missed something buried deep.
  • SSHTron (*)
  • Adjustris (*) - falling block puzzle game with options to customize sets of pieces




  • Slappa (*), a simple fighting game.



  • .kkrieger (*) - Award-winning 96k 3D FPS demo, released under BSD and public domain.
  • Spacejunk (*) A gravitational game in which the user collects space junk while moving through gravitational fields in 2D.
  • MegaBall (*) - breakout game
    • This release would have been assembled with the proprietary "Assempro", but maybe a free assembler like Vasm could be configured to assemble the code? The linked release also contains a audio player that may not be free and may need to be replaced.









  • Worms? (*) - cellular-automata multiplayer territority capture game written in ValForth. Although the game itself is free, it runs in ValForth which needs further investigation a wiki page suggests ValForth is CC-BY-SA-2.5[1], and it looks like the atr images may contain source code based on looking at it in a hex editor. I did not look for a program to view the files in atr images.

Games from the List of games[edit]

Name Homepage Latest Release Date of Latest Release
Arrows Homepage 0.6 2004-01-12
Alien Blaster Homepage 1.1.0 2004-08-19
Atrinik Homepage d1f83b1 2016-11-20
Batrachians Homepage 0.1.0 2004-05-02
BloodsPilot Homepage 1.5.0 2012-09-02
Brian Homepage 0.1.2 2003-06-25
Briquilo Homepage 0.5.7 2008-03-24
Booruatsukaigaumai Homepage 2007-11-22
Bombic Hompepage 0.1 2005-03-19
Camel Trouble entry, source code 2004-04-07
Chickennix Homepage 0.1 2009-02-22
Charge Homepage 1.0.1 2008
Copter Commander Homepage 1.8 2002-02-11
Critical Mass Homepage 1.5.0-RC 2010-10-17
Cretan Hubris Homeapage 0.1 2012-02-29
Construder Homepage 5eeb33a 2013-04-07
Conquests Homepage 1.2
Cube Escape Homepage 0.9 2013-08-23
Cycles 3D homepage, SourceForge 1.9 2002-11-03
Cylindrix Homepage 1.0 2002-11-25
Crystal Core Homepage 0.0.1 2007-04-18
Duck Punt website 2008-01-01
DuduSDL website 0.1.3 2002-06-30
Dungeon Hack Homepage 0.10 2009-09-09
Dreams Eternal Homepage Pre-Alpha 2001-07-19
DSI Homepage 0.1 alpha 2003-01-14
Ecksdee Homepage 0.0.9 2006-11-24
Eletris Homepage 1.0 2005-04-09
Exobius0 Homepage 0.3 2004-10-13
Enemy Lines (except 8) Homepage 1-8 2006-07-20
Farspice [2] 0.46 2011-11-20
Falsoyd Website 0.9 2004-05-17
Foo 1.0 2008-04-10 (as of 2011-07-26)
Freelord ? ? ?
Free Awale homepage 1.3 2008-05-06
Forever War Sourceforge tech demo 2008-08-23
freeVikings Data CC-BY-NC-SA homepage 0.6 2006-06-06
Friq homepage 0701-2 2007-09-17
Frogger Homepage 525d5df 2017-07-29
GalaxyMage Redux homepage ? ?
Galatic Killdozer Homepage 20080706 2008-07-07
Geki source archive, mirror 2.0.3 2001-12-07
Ghouls and Ghosts Homepage 0.56 2011-09-17
Gigalomania Homepage 1.0.1
GNU Robbo (seems like some data are non-free) homepage 0.66 2010-11-12
GNU Robots homepage 1.2.0 2008-08-03
Gold Chest Homepage 0.6 2013-04-14
Government Sanctioned Homepage 69802 2012-10-8
gPlanarity homepage 16554 2009-09-12
Hexalate homepage 1.0.0 2009-04-08
Heart of the Alien Homepage 1.2.2 2005-01-12
Hell World Website 0.1.4 27-05-2003
High Moon Homepage 1.2.3 2005-07-27
Holotz Castle homepage 1.3.13 ?
infector Homepage 0.2 2009-03-01
Infernal Contractor Homepage 0_1_1 2003-06-29
iSoccer project page test 2008-04-13
iteam Homepage ? ?
John the Sorcerer Homepage 8d5be44 2014-03-24
JXFire Homepage 1.0 2011-05-15
KBattleship ?, KDE Games 2.0 2009
Keys of Naand ? ? ?
KGoldrunner info page 3.0 2009?
Kloben project page 0.7 2007-09-14
Koules homepage 1.4 1995-06-10
Krucenigmo homepage 2003-05
KSame information 0.5.1 2009-??-??
KSokoban an old KDE Games page 0.4.2? ?
Ktuberling homepage KDE Games ? ?
Ladder Website 1.3 December 2005
Late Homepage 0.1.0 2003-08-21
Lavirinto3d ? ?
Leges Motus GitHub a708c11 2013-11-16
Lemming Ball Z Homepage ? ?
Linley's Dungeon Crawl Homepage 4.0.0 ?
Mad Bomber homepage 0.2.5 2003-03-16
Mass Homepage 0.4.0 2004-07-25
Mazzuoro! Homepage 1.02 2009-07-14
Maze Runner Homepage 0.63 2007-04-06
Microracers Homepage 0.2 2005-11-05
MiniRacer Homepage 1.04 2005-05-08
MineCrisis Homepage 8049bdb 2015-10-04
Monsterz Homepage 0.7.1 2007-12-17
Monster RPG Homepage 1-3
MotoGT Homepage 20101127 2010-12-14
Morris Homepage 0.3 2020-09-27
Nature Calls Homepage 0.2 2004-02-12
Nanobot homepage 3.0.1 2014-08-01
Neohunt Homepage
Njam 1.25
nSnake Homepage
nV@derz! Homepage 0.9.2 2017-04-25
Noiz2sa Linux port, Windows version 0.51a 2004-07-17
Orchestra: The Restoration 2009-08-11 2009-08-11
Offender Homepage 0.2 2007-01-07
Om@r Cockroach Feast Edition 2008-12-10
Om@r Missing Treasure 0.1 2008-09-15
On Sight homepage 1.1 2001-11-30
OpenMW homepage 0.19.0 2012-11-10
Panzers Homepage 0.4.0 2002-12-17
Papercut Homepage 0.1.2 2012-11-20
Patricia Attack Homepage 0.6 2008-12-21
Phavon Homepage 0.0.32 2003-01-07
Physics Defense project page "FirstTest" 2007-09-07
Piano Booster 0.6.4 2009-12-02
Pineapple3 Homepage 3.0 2004-06-02
Pipepanic homepage 0.1.3 2006-05-16
Pixelman ? ? ?
Poopmup Homepages 1.3 Beta 2003-04-15
PyGtkPipes homepage 0.2 ?
PythonTurtle homepage 0.1.2009.8.2.1 2009
PyWright Wiki 10 2008-09-
Rafkill Homepage 1.2.3 2007-01-27
rRootage 0.23a 2009-07-07?
RubyTet ? ? ?
Same GNOME information ? ?
Scavenger (XScavenger, SDL Scavenger) original X version;
new SDL version
sdlscav-145_2008_06_11 2008-06-11
SSC Homepage 0.8 2003-10-10
Settlers article, website 1.2 05/11/2000
Schoolsplay homepage ? ?
SDLPong Homepage RC8 2011-05-16
SDLZombies Homepage 1.0 05-31-2001
Sky Streets Website 0.2.4 2004-08-12
Space Monster homepage (404 as of 2009-06-17) 0.3 ?
SpaceFighterAce SpaceFighterAce on Kibabase 0.0.2 ?
SpaceWar! Homepages 2008-07-12
Spout home directory, Debian PTS 1.3 ?
Sporktris Homepage 1.1 2007-10-01
sNibbles Homepage 0.0.1 2003-02-08
StarGun Homepage 0.2 2003-11-17
Stone's Throw Homepage 0.3 2003-06-16
Stellar Forces Homepage 1.4 2019-10-06
Snowball Homepage 0.3 2005-10-09
T1 Car Racing Simulation Homepage t1-crs-0.1.2a 2003-02-13
Tadpoles Homepage, SourceForge 0.5 2002-08-01
Tank Commander Homepage 0.44 2002-07-14
The CopyPirate ? ? ?
Thirsty Nellan article, website, MobyGames pygame, Scrapbook, 2002
The '42 Project Homepage 0.3.5 2003-10-15
TONG Website 1.3 2014-04-06
Torus Trooper Homepage, Linux port 0.22 ?
Toy Cars Homepage 0.3.9 2009-05-22
Tric Tac Toe Homepage 0.6.1 2009-06-11
Tubularix 2009-07-24
Tumiki Fighters Homepage, Linux port 0.2c ?
TuxFighter (logos and mascots probably not all free) Homepage .54 2008-02-24
Tux vs Clippy homepage 0.2.5 2004-08-31
TwigMan homepage 1.0.1 2008-02-27
Twisted Shootout entry
Untahris Homepage 4.0 2014-06-13
Vermin Exterminator Homepage 0.4 2004-04-15
vibora Homepage 0.1.1 2004-09-01
vitris Homepage 0.5.7 2009-09-11
War3D homepage 0.8.1 BETA ?
Warship Battle @freshmeat 0.3 as of 2005
WarTactical Homepage 493L 2012-12-04
Worminator Homepage 2003-07-02
WebCrossword homepage 2003-03-04
Wound Up! PyWeek 5 entry 1.0.2 2007-09-09
XenoM Homepage 0.5 2003-04-10
XBlockOut homepage 1.1.5 2007?
XBomb homepage 2.2 2008-01-22
xfi Homepage Revision 306 2010-12-25
XInvasion Homepage 1.02 2009-07-14
zeRace Homepage 0.7 2007-07-19
Zoid's Quest Homepage 0.0.1 2004-09-17
Zorn Homepage 0.1.8 2007-03-22 ? ?


Is it completely under GPLv3, including media?
Media unclear, isn't it?
Yes, I agree. (I was the one who suggested the game, even though the IP is different.) 18:31, 19 September 2009 (UTC)

Jigsaw puzzles[edit]

Tetris-like games[edit]

  • TetriNET-related software (*)
  • TETRIS Queen (*) --AVRS 14:46, 22 October 2009 (UTC)
  • Yatris (*) --AVRS 15:02, 22 October 2009 (UTC)
  • Mr. Flatland(*) — contains the apparently non-free impact.ttf font, and maybe non-free music/sounds, which all seem optional. The rest is simple or replacable. Might try to improve that here. Author's copy at GitHub. --AVRS (talk) 16:43, 26 March 2015 (CET)

(Probably) Windows-only games[edit]

  • Free but Shackled (*)
  • VirtualBus (*) is a bus simulator in Delphi, under GPLv2+. Uses the non-free BASS library for audio. --AVRS 12:57, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
  • VlakoSim (*), a train simulator made using SDL and OpenGL. Hopefully the licensing includes the media. --AVRS 14:24, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
  • [7] (*) Nine Engine is designed to be a 3D game engine based on Microsoft Xna that allows you to create games for Windows, Xbox and Windows Phones. It have a RTS demo: Isles. the Engine is under a Free Software license Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) which isn't compatible to GPL, though.
  • Dead Meets Lead (*) C# language, engine and media except audio MIT licensed.

Non-computer games[edit]

  • Libre (*), a Trading Card Game
  • Domino Knights (*), “an alternative to the numerous battle-focused, collectable card games on the market today.”
  • Moonstone RPG (*) - don't know if the one with its own domain is related.
  • One Die System (1d6) (*) - german pen-and-paper roleplaying system licensed under the GPL.



Are these games?[edit]

Likely sources for more free games[edit]



Programming environments[edit]

Operating systems[edit]




See also[edit]
