Arena of Honour

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Arena of Honour
Arena of Honour 0.83
Latest release0.83
Release dateJanuary 11th, 2005
DevelopersArtur Hallmann, Nils Keller[1]
Code licenseGPL
P. languageC++
Arena of Honour is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Arena of Honour is a multiplayer first-person shooter game written by Artur hallman and Nils Keller. The latest release of the game is version .83 on January 11, 2005. [2] It is written in the C++ programming language.


  1. From Arena of Honour's credits.txt file
  2. Arena Of Honour's download page hosted by

External links[edit]