Pang Zero

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Pang Zero
Latest release1.3[1]
Release date15 July 2007[1]
Code licenseGPLv2[1]
P. languagePerl
Pang Zero is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.
Available as a package in:  
Openlogo-debianV2.svg Debian: pangzero  
Slackware logo.svg Slackware: pangzero 
UbuntuCoF.svg Ubuntu: pangzero

Pang Zero is an arcade game for 1 to 8 players.

The game is a reimplementation of the arcade game Super Pang.


Balls fall from the sky and then bounce on the screen. The player shoots the ball so they divide until they are so small that they can no longer divide and instead disappear. The player must not come in contact with the balls.


The game was developed by UPi, with music by SAdam, and graphics by UPi, DaniGM, and Elio Blanca.

External links[edit]
