British Bingo

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British Bingo
British Bingo.jpg
British Bingo
GenreBoard game
Latest release1.52  (Announcement)
Release dateSeptember 29th, 2021
PlatformsWindows, Linux, Mac, Web
DeveloperBert Beckwith
Code licenseGPL v3
Media licenseGPL v3
P. languageJavaScript
British Bingo is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

British Bingo is a 90-ball bingo game with 3 by 9 boards. The computer simulates your opponents who act like elderly people, e. g. by making mistakes and chatting. The number of players and the speed of the game is configurable.[1]

British Bingo is written in JavaScript and runs in a web browser. It does not require a webserver but can be started from a downloaded .html file.

There is no source code repository, but the source code is available for download.

Release history[edit]

version date changes
1.53 2024-05-18 more animations, dark mode[2]
1.52 2021-09-29 more animations[3]
1.51 2020-01-21 adds more animations[4]
1.50 2018-11-27 adds animations when caller reads out number[5]
1.49 2018-04-19 adds two charts and three animations [6]
1.48 2017-12-11 makes the sound more reliable [7]
1.47 2017-02-15 adds chart showing how many numbers players have got [8]
1.46 2016-06-27 adds charts of the number of balls to get a line or house [9]

External links[edit]
