Board games

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Games traditionally played on a board.

List of Board games[edit]

This is a list of free/libre board games:

Game Screenshot Last Release Genres Description
Clippers Clippers.png 2016-08-23 Board
Latest release1.39.1
Release dateAugust 23rd, 2016
DeveloperSteven De Toni
Code licensesGPL
P. languageJava
Clippers is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Clippers is a board game written by Steven De Toni.[1] It is written in the Java programming language.[2]

Pioneers Pioneers.png 2020-08-02 Board, Online
Screenshot of Pioneers
GenreBoard, Online
Latest release15.6  (Announcement)
Release dateAugust 2nd, 2020
Code licenseGPL[3]
Media licenseGPL[3]
P. languageC
Pioneers is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.
Available as a package in:  
Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: line 1: convert: command not found
Arch AUR:
Openlogo-debianV2.svg Debian: pioneers 
Fedora logo.svg Fedora: pioneers  
Gentoo Linux logo matte.svg Gentoo: games-board/pioneers 
UbuntuCoF.svg Ubuntu: pioneers 
OpenSUSE Logo.svg OpenSUSE: pioneers 
Mageia logo small.jpg Mageia: pioneers

Pioneers is a computer version of the popular board game The Settlers of Catan. The game features multi-player (both online over the internet and hot seat) and single player against AI opponents.

Comisat Games Collection Comisat-Games-Collection.png 2006-10-10 Snake, Hangman, Memory, Tetris, Board game
comisat Games Collection
GenresSnake, Hangman, Memory, Tetris, Board game
Latest release0.5.2  (Announcement)
Release dateOctober 10, 2006
DeveloperCarlo aka comisat
Code licenseGPLv2
Media licenseGPLv2
P. languageGambas
LibrariesQt, SDL, and the Gambas Runtime Environment.
comisat Games Collection is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

comisat Games Collection is a collection of free software games written in Gambas. It is one of the first notable Gambas games, with exceptions being code examples such as recreations of Snake, Robotfindskitten, and other small efforts. The collection is available in English and Italian.

GNU Go Gnugo.png 2009-02-19 Board games, Online
GenreBoard games, Online
Latest release3.8  (Announcement)
Release dateFebruary 19th, 2009
Code licenseGNU General Public License
GNU Go is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.
Available as a package in:  
Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: line 1: convert: command not found
Slackware logo.svg Slackware: gnugo 
Openlogo-debianV2.svg Debian: gnugo 
Fedora logo.svg Fedora: gnugo  
Gentoo Linux logo matte.svg Gentoo: games-board/gnugo 
UbuntuCoF.svg Ubuntu: gnugo 
OpenSUSE Logo.svg OpenSUSE: gnugo 
Mageia logo small.jpg Mageia: gnugo 
Daemon-phk.svg FreeBSD: gnugo 
Haiku (operating system) logo.svg Haiku: games-board/gnugo

GNU Go is a Go‐playing program. It has a built‐in text based interface (shown in this article image), but it can also be used with graphical frontends like like GoGui, qGo and CGoban 1. As of May 2015 the latest stable version of GNU Go is 3.8 released on 19 February 2009. [4] It has been licensed under the GPLv3 since 24 October 2007 in CVS.[5]

GNU Go also provided support for online gaming with the GGZ Gaming Zone service.[6] Along with support for GGZ, it played on Go servers like NNGS Go, Legend of Go server hosted in Taiwan, and the WING server hosted in Japan. A version was included with The UNIX Book of Games by Janice Winsor in 1996.

Pasang Emas Pasang-emas-screen-75b.png 2020-08-15 Board game
Pasang Emas
Pasang Emas
GenreBoard game
Latest release6.3.0
Release dateAugust 15th, 2020
Code licenseGPLv3[7]
Media licenseGPLv3[7]
P. languagesC, Vala
Pasang Emas is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Pasang is a traditional two-player board game. The players take turn capturing each others tokens. In the end, the player with the most tokens wins.

British Bingo British Bingo.jpg 2021-09-29 Board game
British Bingo
British Bingo.jpg
British Bingo
GenreBoard game
Latest release1.52  (Announcement)
Release dateSeptember 29th, 2021
PlatformsWindows, Linux, Mac, Web
DeveloperBert Beckwith
Code licenseGPL v3
Media licenseGPL v3
P. languageJavaScript
British Bingo is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

British Bingo is a 90-ball bingo game with 3 by 9 boards. The computer simulates your opponents who act like elderly people, e. g. by making mistakes and chatting. The number of players and the speed of the game is configurable.[8]

British Bingo is written in JavaScript and runs in a web browser. It does not require a webserver but can be started from a downloaded .html file.

There is no source code repository, but the source code is available for download.

GlParchis Glparchis.png 2018-11-25 Board game
GenreBoard game
Latest releaseV. 20181125  (Announcement)
Release dateNovember 25th, 2018
DeveloperMariano Muñoz
Code licenseGPL v2[9]
Media licenseGPL v2[9]
P. languagePython
glParchis is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

glParchis is an implementation the popular Parchis game, which is played with a dice and 4 pawns per player. Players have to move their pawns out of their nest, around the whole board, into the destination of the player's color.

Scrabble3D Scrabble3D.jpg 2015-03-01 Board, Education
GenreBoard, Education
Latest release3.1.3  (Announcement)
Release dateMarch 1st, 2015
DeveloperHeiko Tietze
Code licenseGPL [10]
Media licenseGPL [10]
P. languagePascal
Scrabble3D is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Scrabble3D is computer version of the popular word puzzle board game. In addition to a 3D board, it supports the classic Scrabble and Superscrabble rules.

Scrabble games can be played online against other players or locally against the computer.

A physical version of the game on disc has been released by ADVPlans.

Crosswords Crosswords.png 2022-08-11 Board
Latest release4.4.190  (Announcement)
Release dateAugust 11th, 2022
DeveloperEric House
Code licenseGPL [11]
Media licenseGPL [11]
P. languageJava
Crosswords is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Crosswords is an Android game that is based on the rules of Scrabble. Older versions are available for PalmOS and PocketPC. There is a single player mode where the player is against one or more computer opponents. Multiple player mode is available through Bluetooth or over the internet through a central server.

In addition to the default word list, additional word lists can be downloaded from online within the application. The default lists are BasEnglish2to8, CollegeEng_2to8 (the default for human players), and Top5000 (the default for computer players). A more comprehensive word list is OWL2_2to15.

Deer Portal DeerPortal00.png 2019-10-20 Board games, Card game
Deer Portal
A hybrid of board and card game
GenreBoard games, Card game
Latest release0.8.2  (Announcement)
Release dateOctober 20th, 2019
DevelopersRafal Zawadzki, Katia Zawadzka
Code licenseZlib License[12]
Media licenseCC-BY 4.0[13]
P. languageC++
Deer Portal is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Deer Portal is a hybrid board/card game for four players driven by the four classical elements. The game takes place in an ancient world where the Almighty Deer God is protecting all the compassionate creatures.

TripleA TripleA.png 2020-11-01 Board games
GenreBoard games
Latest release2.5.22285  (Announcement)
Release dateNovember 1st, 2020
Code licenseGPL[14]
Media licenseGPL[14]
P. languageJava
TripleA is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

TripleA is an online board game which is similar to Risk, as well as a game engine for turn based strategy games.

Quatter Quatter logo.png 2023-12-30 Board game
Quatter logo.png
Genre Board game
Latest release20231230  (Announcement)
Release dateDecember 30th, 2023
DeveloperLucKey Productions
Code licenseGPL
Media licenseCC-BY-SA
P. languageC++
Quatter is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Quatter was created by LucKey Productions initially in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Blaise Müller's Quarto using the Dry game engine and other open source software.

Binaries and source code are available through GitLab.

Tenes Empanadas Graciela TES.png 2020-11-22 Board games, Online
Tenes Empanadas Graciela
GenreBoard games, Online
Latest release0.12.0
Release dateNovember 22nd, 2020
DeveloperRicardo Quesada
Code licenseGPLv2[15]
P. languagesC++
Tenes Empanadas Graciela is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Tenes Empanadas Graciela (TEG) is a turn-based strategy game similar to Risk written by Ricardo Quesada and licensed under the GPLv2[15]. Teg supports the GGZ multiplayer server framework. The latest version of the game is 0.12.0 released on November 22nd, 2020. It was written in the C++ programming language.

Although it was written first by Ricardo Quesada, now there are several members on the TEG project developing the game.[16]

See also: Domination

Couple-quest Couplequest.png 2017-09-06 Card game
3Dc 3dchess.png 1996-04-11 Chess, Board games
3D chess
GenreChess, Board games
Latest release0.8.1
Release dateApril 11th, 1996
DevelopersPaul Hicks, Bernard Kennedy
Code licenseGPL 2+[17]
Media licenseGPL 2+
LibrariesXpm lib, libdx, Xaw3d
3D chess is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

3D chess is kind of a chess game on 3 boards. The pieces are mostly from chess. There are 26 directions to move. 3D chess comes with a computer opponent. A version was included on the 100 Great Games for Linux shovelware collection.

Pentobi Pentobi.png 2024-01-22 Board game
GenreBoard game
Latest release24.0  (Announcement)
Release dateJanuary 22{nd}, 2024
Code licenseGNU General Public License
Media licenseGNU General Public License
P. languageC++
Pentobi is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Pentobi is a Blokus‐playing program. Blokus is an abstract tile-placement board game with tiles shaped like polyominoes and simple rules. In addition to the classic version of Blokus, Pentobi also supports a number of game variants and similar games: Blokus Duo, Blokus Trigon, Blokus Junior, Nexos, GembloQ and Callisto.

Pentobi officially supports Linux and Android. The Android version does not support the highest playing levels. Older versions of Pentobi also supported Windows, but Windows support has been dropped after version 12.0.[18]

According to one of the top Blokus players, Pentobi is the strongest Blokus-playing program.[19]

Pachi Screenshot sabaki.jpg 2023-09-10 Board games
Screenshot sabaki.jpg
GenreBoard games
Latest release12.84  (Announcement)
Release dateSeptember 10th, 2023
Code licenseGPL 2 only
P. languageC
Pachi is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Pachi is a Go-playing program. It has no built‐in human interface, so a Go client like GoGui, qGo or CGoban 1 is required.

Domination Risk - game1.jpg 2023-06-23 Board games
Risk - game1.jpg
GenreBoard games
Latest release1.2.8  (Announcement)
Release dateJune 23rd, 2023
DeveloperYura Mamyrin
Code licenseGPL
P. languageJava
Domination is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Domination is a game based on the boardgame risk. It is written in the Java programming language by Yura Mamyrin and licensed under the GPL.[20]

Hnefatafl Hnefatafl.png 2014-08-16 Board
Latest releaser140816  (Announcement)
Release dateAugust 16th, 2014
DeveloperAlexander Söderlund
Code licenseISC [21]
Media licenseISC [21]
P. languageC
Hnefatafl is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Hnefatafl is an implementation of a Norse board game. It supports Hnefatafl 11x11, 13x13, and Tablut completely. Other regional variants are partly supported by the provided using rulesets.

Holtz Holtz.jpg 2013-10-10 Board, Online
GenreBoard, Online
Latest release1.4.0-1  (Announcement)
Release dateOctober 10th, 2013
DeveloperFlorian Fischer, Martin Trautmann
Code licenseGPL [22]
Media licenseGPL [22]
P. languageC++
Holtz is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Holtz is a collection of board games that can be played against the computer or online against other players. Holtz supports the games Zèrtz, Dvonn, Relax and Bloks.

In Zèrtz players alternatingly set pieces onto the board or knock pieces off the board in order to gain a certain amount of black, grey or white pieces.
In Dvonn players form stacks to capture the opponent's pieces without losing connection to the special DVONN pieces.
In Relax players draw color coded numbers at random and place them on the board
In bloks players place one of twenty-one differently shaped stone onto the board alternatingly.

GNOME Games Please add the Gameinfo template to the article

This article needs update. This article should be split into one article per game

GNOME Games or GNOME Games Collection was a collection of sixteen small games in a variety of styles and genres for the GNOME desktop (similar to KDE Games and Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection). As of GNOME 3.8 the games were separated into individual packages and the collection doesn't exist anymore.[23]

KDE Games Please add the Gameinfo template to the article KDE Games is a division of the KDE project, creating a collection of quality games for KDE desktop.[24] It is similar to GNOME Games and Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection. Most games are distributed under GPLv2.[25]
Chess3D Chess3d.png Chess, Board games
GenreChess, Board games
Code licenseGPLv3
Media licenseGPLv3[26][27]
Chess3D is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Chess3D is a HTML/WebGL 3D chess game with AI.

Foursies Foursies.png 2016-12-15 Board game
GenreBoard game
Latest releasev0.1.1  (Announcement)
Release dateDecember 15th, 2016
DeveloperAndy Balaam
Code licenseGNU General Public License v3.0
Media licenseGNU General Public License v3.0
P. languageElm
Foursies is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Foursies is a board game where each player, black and white by default, has four pieces on opposite ends of a chequered board. Pieces can move in any direction, including diagonally, by one square per turn. The objective is to either get a piece onto the opponent's end of the board, or capture all their pieces by hopping over them. If a piece is primed to capture an opponent's piece, it is compulsory.

GNU Shogi GNUShogi.png 2014-02-17 Chess
GNU Shogi
GNU Shogi in the terminal
Genre Chess
Latest release1.4.2  (Announcement)
Release dateFebruary 17, 2014
Code licenseGPL
EngineGNU Shogi
P. languageC
GNU Shogi is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.
Available as a package in:  
Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: line 1: convert: command not found
Arch AUR:

GNU Shogi is a chess engine for the traditional Japanese chess variant, called shōgi. The game can be played in the terminal, or it can be played with the graphical interface of XBoard.

GPSFish no image Chess
Genre Chess
Code licenseGPL
GPSFish is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

GPSFish is a port of the powerful Stockfish chess engine to the Japanese chess variant, shōgi.

Stockfish no image 2023-06-30 Chess
Genre Chess
Latest release16  (Announcement)
Release dateJune 30th, 2023
Code licenseGPL
Stockfish is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.
Available as a package in:  
Slackware logo.svg Slackware: stockfish 
Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: line 1: convert: command not found
Arch AUR:
Openlogo-debianV2.svg Debian: stockfish 
Fedora logo.svg Fedora: stockfish  
Gentoo Linux logo matte.svg Gentoo: games-board/stockfish 
UbuntuCoF.svg Ubuntu: stockfish 
OpenSUSE Logo.svg OpenSUSE: stockfish 
Mageia logo small.jpg Mageia: stockfish 
Daemon-phk.svg FreeBSD: stockfish 
Haiku (operating system) logo.svg Haiku: games-board/stockfish

Stockfish is a chess engine, that is to say a chess AI. It is at the time of this writing the strongest[28] or in general one of the strongest computer chess programs in existence.

A notable feature of Stockfish versus other computer chess engines, which has made it so exceedingly powerful, is the Fishtest worker program.[29]. Users run this program and donate their computer time to have development versions of Stockfish play very large numbers of test games against one another. This is used to measure the effectiveness of proposed changes, allowing the program to grow rapidly in playing strength and letting regressions be weeded out.

OpenKropki OpenKropki.png 2020-11-19 Turn-based strategy
GenreTurn-based strategy
Latest release0.4
Release dateNovember 19th, 2020
DeveloperMateusz Viste
Code licenseMIT[30]
Media licensesCC0, Apache-2.0 [31]
P. languageC
OpenKropki is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

OpenKropki is an open-source and multiplatform implementation of the 'kropki' game. It runs on most POSIX systems (Linux, BSD...) and on Windows.

Boxcars Boxcars.png 2024-02-20 Board games, Online
GenreBoard games, Online
Latest release1.3.1  (Announcement)
Release dateFebruary 20th, 2024
DeveloperTrevor Slocum
Code licenseAffero General Public License
Boxcars is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.

Boxcars is an online backgammon client. It connects to the backgammon server at by default. It is licensed under AGPLv3.[32]

  1. Membership list for the Clippers project
  2. Clippers project page
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Project Page
  4. Download page for GNU Go
  5. Licensing info in COPYING file in GNU Go's CVS hosted by savannah
  6. Fact Sheet for GNU Go at
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 project page
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 project page
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 gpl.txt on Github
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 TEG License
  16. People involved in TEG project
  17. license
  20. page for the Domination project
  21. Jump up to: 21.0 21.1 [1]
  22. Jump up to: 22.0 22.1
  24. The KDE Games Center (accessed on 2019-01-03)
  27. Media license confirmed by email.
  28. CCRL ratings for computer blitz chess ranked it highest when retrieved on 2022/01/08.
  29. On the get involved page
  32. Licensing info in LICENSE file in Boxcar's source repository