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Date of Birth: August 24, 1990
Nick name(s): drummyfish, tastyfish, drummy, drumy, smellyfish
Project(s): Anarch, MicroTD, LibreMage, OpenMW contrib., Bombman, Steamer Duck, small3dlib, raycastlib
Used license(s): CC0

Miloslav Číž (drummyfish) is a libre game developer, he studied computer science (focused on computer graphics), creates public domain art and supports free culture in general. He has contributed to various free projects, most notably OpenMW, created a number of tools, libraries (small3dlib, tinyphysicsengine, smallchesslib, ...), demos and games, most notably Anarch and SAF. He advocates for free software, true minimalism and simplicity, i.e. Unix Philosophy, KISS, suckless etc. He now mainly programs in C. He opposes proprietary software, capitalism, open source, bloat, pseudominimalism and any kind of censorship.

See also[edit]

External Links[edit]