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Hedgewars 1.0.0
Latest release1.0.0  (Announcement)
Release dateOctober 9th, 2019
DeveloperHedgewars devlopment team
Code licenseGPLv2[1]
Media licenseGFDLv1.2 (images & sounds)
GPLv2 (rest)[1]
P. languageFree Pascal (game), Haskell (game server), C++ (Qt front-end)
LibraryQt, SDL, PhysFS
Hedgewars is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.
Available as a package in:  
Arch Linux "Crystal" icon.svg Arch: hedgewars 
Openlogo-debianV2.svg Debian: hedgewars 
Fedora logo.svg Fedora: hedgewars  
Flatpak logo.png Flatpak: org.hedgewars.Hedgewars 
Daemon-phk.svg FreeBSD: hedgewars 
Gentoo Linux logo matte.svg Gentoo: games-strategy/hedgewars 
Mageia logo small.jpg Mageia: hedgewars 
Slackware logo.svg Slackware: hedgewars 
Snapcraft-logo.svg Snap: hedgewars 
OpenSUSE Logo.svg OpenSUSE: hedgewars 
UbuntuCoF.svg Ubuntu: hedgewars

Hedgewars is a turn-based artillery game featuring fighting hedgehogs. The player has to equip their team of hedgehogs with a choice of numerous silly weapons like hellish hand grenades, homing bees or melon bombs in order to combat the enemy.


It features a computer player as well as a multiplayer mode. You can play on random maps, fixed maps, self-drawn maps, forts. There's a number of game modes and mini games as well.

You can customize the game by enabling a bunch of game rules such as vampirism, karma or invulnerability.

In singleplayer mode, you can play against the computer in randomized matches, in campaigns, missions and challenges. In multiplayer mode, you can play on the same computer or online.


The game is licensed under the GPL.[2] It requires Qt, the SDL library and the PhysFS library.[3]

Release history[edit]

See Hedgewars release history.

Older screenshot

See also[edit]


External links[edit]

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