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- 111 one-button games in 2021
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- 4D Maze Game
- 4D games
- 54321
- 5 best games for macOS in 2018
- 8Kingdoms
- 8 Kingdoms
- 8kingdoms
- A-Mazing Urho
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- A7xpg
- ADVPlans
- ALu
- AROS Page
- ASCIIQuarium
- ASCIIlization
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- Abe's Amazing Adventure
- Abuse
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- Ace of Penguins
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- Alex vs Bus: The Race
- Alexander Taylor
- Alexei: Part IX
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- Allegro low level game routines
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- Andreas Rosdal
- Andreas Røsdal
- Andrew A. Gill
- Andy Balaam
- Andy Gardner
- Andy Southgate
- Angels Fall First
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- Annex: Conquer the World
- Antargis
- Anthony Mariette Louis Liekens
- Antigravitaattori
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- Armagetron advanced
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- Arvid Picciani
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- BZFlag release history
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- Balazar Brothers
- Balazar III
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- Balder 2D
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- Ballerburg
- Ballerburg SDL
- Ballz
- Barbie Seahorse Adventures
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- Barry deFreese
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- Bastian Salmela
- Batalla Naval
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- Battle for Mandicor
- Battle for Wesnoth
- Battle for Wesnoth contributors
- Battle for Wesnoth release history
- Battle for wesnoth
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- Ben Asselstine
- Ben Urban
- Benefactor system
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- Bernie Bright
- Bert Beckwith
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- Berusky 2
- Berusky II
- Between
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- Bhoomy Gamer
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- BillardGL
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- Bjørn Hansen
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- Black Shades Elite
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- Blake Heatly
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- BlinKen
- Blinken
- BlipNBlup
- Blip 'n Blup
- Blitzdoughnuts
- Blob Wars : Episode II
- Blob Wars Episode 1 : Metal Blob Solid
- Blob Wars Episode 2 : Blob And Conquer
- Blob Wars Episode 2 : Blob and Conquer
- Blobby Volley 2
- Bloboats
- BlockOut II
- Block Attack
- Block Attack - Rise of the Blocks
- Blocks
- Bloodmasters
- Blowing Up Bits
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- Building a Retro Linux Gaming Computer
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- Bzflag
- C-Dogs SDL
- CBoard
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- CC0
- CRAFT: The Vicious Vikings
- CameliaGirls
- Cameron Moore
- CannonSmash
- Canta
- Caph
- Capuchine
- Card Stories
- Card games
- Carl Li
- Castle Game Engine
- Castle Game Enigne
- Cataclysm
- Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
- CaveExpress
- CavePacker
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- Cc by sa
- Cedric Delfosse
- Ceferino
- Chaos Esque Anthology
- Charge Kid
- Charles Goodwin
- Cheese Boys
- ChemBroTronNo1
- Chess3D
- Chess games
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- Children of Solarus
- Children of Ur
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- Chocolate Doom
- Chopper Dave
- Chris Hoeppner
- Chris Hopp
- Chris Schoeneman
- Christoph Sommer
- Christopher J. Jepson
- Chro.mono
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- Chromavescence
- Chromium B.S.U.
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- Circus Linux!
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- Civitas
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- Claus Leth Gregersen
- Clint Bellanger
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- Clonepoint
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- Colossal Caves
- Combat Simulator Project
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- Commander Stalin
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- Crack Attack!